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Survey Methodology:  SalesVista collaborated with studioID of Industry Dive to field an online, invitation-only survey, polling 172 CFOs and other senior finance executives during Q1 of 2022. The survey consisted of a mixed-use of multiple-choice, open-ended, Likert-scale, and matrix questions to understand the state of the finance function. The questionnaire consisted of themes to better understand the CFOs’ priorities, challenges, concerns, and gaps within their finance and sales functions. Of the respondents, 51.2% came from CFOs, senior or executive vice presidents of finance. The other survey respondents included vice president of finance (20.3%), senior director or director of finance (23.8%), other senior finance titles (3.5%), and other titles (1.2%). The range of companies represented span all sizes, including those with 0-49 sales representatives (26.7%), 50-99 sales reps (23.3%), 100-149 sales reps (18%), 150-199 sales reps (22.1%) and 200 or more reps (9.9%). Every respondent represented companies that work within a commissioned sales business model.